Your baby has arrived! Now what? You can prepare a lot for what being pregnant and giving birth may entail, but many will say the real trials begin after baby is born. The postpartum period is the 4th trimester and is often the most challenging time of a woman’s life.
Offering evidence based knowledge for what is in the range of normal for your recovering body, baby's sleep patterns and eating habits, and more, your postpartum doula can help ease your concerns and know when to ask for additional help. She provides resources to help you build a community tribe for support, helps you rest and feel confident about this whole "parenting" business. As you rest with your baby or shower, she can prepare a meal for your family after doing laundry and tidy up your home. She answers your questions about breastfeeding, babywearing, and shows you how to assemble and use your new breast pump. She rocks your baby while you nap and she listens to your birth story as you process how everything unfolded. She entertains your older children while you put the baby to sleep uninterrupted. You’re never alone in your journey when you have support.
We can offer short shifts of 2-4 hours, complete overnight care or anything in between. $250 for 12 Hours or $25/hour + $10/hour driving time. Gift Certificates are also available to gift to a new parent